The Garden is a wonderful demonstration of the principles that govern the world within us and around us

It fulfils or the principles of The Common Vein -ie 1 + 1 = 1  (units to unity).   Creating the garden using this equation in mind, helped validate the concept for me.

Our Home
Ashley Davidoff

When we moved into our carriage house in 1989,  the hill behind our house was eroded.  There were nine,  70 foot Maples and Beeches and all their offspring, which had accumulated over many years, scattered in a 5,663 square foot plot (.13 acres) – the smallest allowable plot for our  town – but we had a hill which gave us more surface area! .

There was no sun in the back garden since the shadows from our home and the maples and beeches  prevented us from having anything but a shade garden on the major portion of our property .  However in the front of the house there was sun.  Our carriage house literally abuts the sidewalk – and so the berm served as our sun garden and boy did we take advantage of that!

The three essentials for a beautiful garden are sun water and nutrients from the soil.  In the back garden we had no sun, and the water ran down the hill and eroded the soil.  We visited Peru and discovered the art of vertical agriculture – ie terracing. This design enables the the water to be retained in each terrace and prevents soil erosion.  We cut 2 or 3 of the most imposing big trees down – and it was so sad to see those huge structure of many years of growth, go down – but it did bring some sun to the garden.

And now to philosophy…

The existence of the  flowers and trees and ourselves as humans,  does not arise from thin air.  They have a history.. and they are what they are because of thousands of years of genetic and behavioral experience and modifications . We should not forget this


The garden is therefore dedicated to my parents Percy and Joyce Stein Davidoff

Joyce Stein and Percy Davidoff – circa 1947 at their engagement
Ashley Davidoff

This bench is in our garden

Our garden is dedicated to my late parents

The garden is called LeDor Vador in Hebrew, which means from generation to generation!

The First Generation

Wishing all family and friends a Happy New Year (Rosh Hashana) celebrating the birth of the world according to Jewish tradition. The first letter of the Torah (beth) is seen on the right in white, pregnant with a little seed (dagesh) waiting to be released. The shofar announces the birth of the world.
Night and day, the heavens and the earth, the sun moon and stars, and the first generations of animal and human life are about to embark on their journey of nature and nurture – and this Sunday is the beginning of the celebration of this event A Happy and Healthy New Year to All
Acknowledging the power of Le Dor Vador and the lessons learned from previous generations


Our Family Roots

Our Family

We as humans, are a product of both nature and nurture.  The nature side depends on our  genes (our parents and ancestors) and the nurture side depends on our parents and the environment

While biological nature, at large, is dependent mostly on genes, a  garden is dependent on both nature and nurture as well.

The nurturing part of the garden is to ensure food, water  and sun.

So when looking for the naked truth – it seems more prudent, at least at first, to look to nature and the sciences of nature, to find the truth.  The more time we spend with nature, it seemed to me, the closer we potentially come to truth… and what better way to have nature in your backyard, in addition to intermittently spending time with it on vacations as source of a life pursuit.

We exist, and are what we are,  because of others who came before us.  The flowers and trees and the birds and the bees exist only because of something, and someone that came before them.  Hence it is only fair and right to pay tribute to our roots

I have therefore dedicated the garden to my parents and my roots …with full appreciation of the genetic lines of all that are planted in our  garden and all our non human visitors.  In the end – at least from the human side, it is not only about the genes, but also about  stories, history, lessons, beliefs, and inspirations.

A Second Motivation

A lifetime pursuit to understand

I am going to tell the story about the garden and what has motivated my dedication to it

The Background Universal Concept

The Story of our Garden, The Story of Life, and the Pursuit of Harmony
The aim of the Choirmaster is to bring all the individual voices into one profound wholesome harmony

The Story of our Garden, The Story of Life, and the Pursuit of Harmony
The aim of the Choirmaster is to bring all the individual voices into one profound wholesome harmony
1 +1 = 1

The Design

In the beginning … of the Garden

There was an eroded hill with  large maple trees  The canvas was clean and as in any project there had to be a plan before we started

A Closer Look
Davidoff photography Copyright 2012 102428pb01.8s

The Concept and Plan

The idea of the beauty of the orchestra and choir unified by a central conductor or choir master inspired the idea of being the choir master and conductor to the garden in order to unify it and create an example of the 1 + 1 = 1 concept .  I picked the most central spot of the garden where the gardener would be able to stand and see all the members of the garden orchestra, and bring them together as one harmonious entity

Unlike the choir and and orchestra which are a one evening event, the garden needed to sing its song the whole year, through all the seasons,  and every year after that, and every generation after that.

Rules and considerations

  1. Height of the plants
  2. Color and texture
  3. Seasonal variations
  4. Accessibility
  5. Orientation
  6. Accessibility to sun
  7. Accessibility to water
The Power Created When Different Units
With the Same Goal
Are Brought Together as
One Entity
The Choir the Orchestra and the Garden
The Story of our Garden, the Pursuit of Harmony, and the Story of Life in and Around Us
To bring all the individual parts into one profound wholesome harmony
1 +1 = 1

In our garden all the trees and flowers are oriented toward a focal point in the garden in front of the big pond
From this point the observer can see almost the entire 180 degrees of the back garden. The intent is to bring the garden as a whole unit to the observer, in the same way as the choir is one big voice to the conductor, and the orchestra is one complex and astounding sound to the conductor. – a “Wonderous Oneness” if you will.


A lifetime pursuit to understand

I am going to tell the story about the garden and what has motivated my dedication to it – but before I do that, I wanted to share my attempt at a panorama view. I do not really want to flood you with pictures but this image gives a better view of what we look out to from our home… and how it will relate to the story

1 + 1 =1

The Garden A Panorama 0f a 180degree semicircle (2022 – and the rest of the story to follow


Panoramic view of the south side of the garden
Ashley Davidoff

The Video

Click on the image below to enter the garden

Entrance to the Garden

A Short Video of the Back Garden

Video of our Garden

Panaromic view of the south side of the garden
Ashley Davidoff

?.and we do have some visitors from Africa made of soapstone in the garden, purchased from road peddlers in Swaziland in 1974 The yellow hue on the photo is from the sunrise this morning!

?.and we do have some visitors from Africa made of soapstone in the garden, purchased from road peddlers in Swaziland in 1974 The yellow hue on the photo is from the sunrise this morning!
The 180 degree view from left to right of the packed garden at 3 Lake Ave – no lawn – only trees flowers, and waterfalls – fish birds and chipmunks.. some earthworms



Modelled after the Choir and the Symphony
All the trees and flowers are oriented toward a focal point in the garden in front of the big pond (red asterisk) From this point the observer can see almost the entire 180 degrees of the back garden. The intent is to bring the garden as a whole unit to the observer, in the same way as the choir is one big voice to the listener, and the orchestra is one complex and astounding sound to the listener. – a “Wonderous Oneness” if you will.
The DESIGN – Modelled after the Choir and the Symphony
All the trees and flowers are oriented toward a focal point in the garden in front of the big pond (red asterisk) From this point the observer can see almost the entire 180 degrees of the back garden. The intent is to bring the garden as a whole unit to the observer, in the same way as the choir is one big voice to the listener, and the orchestra is one complex and astounding sound to the listener. – a “Wonderous Oneness” if you will.
Ashley Davidoff


Some of the Simple Art Pieces
The Monk in Meditation – a sculpture in our garden –
The beginning of a profound philosophy 1 + 1 =1 that helped me understand the world within us and around us
1 stone + another 1 stone produces a new single entity and an unexpected result that resembles a monk meditating in our garden ….. more to come …… much much more
Courtesy – Lessons from the garden and my parents le Dor vador
A Stolen Kiss in the Garden
home tree water rock 68972 Ashley Davidoff garden Davidoff art
Cells of a Leaf
1 cell + 1 cell + 1 cell etc etc a few million times over = 1 LEAF
The recurring pattern of small parts combining to form a new and surprising and more powerful unit is in us and all around us!… only to start a new process to subsequently make a bigger unit – a tree for example in this case.. and then a forest….
Acknowledging lessons from the garden, my teachers and parents Le Dor VaDor From generation to generation Same profound and miraculous events happening again and again in every generation
And the Leaves are part of a bigger 1 + 1 = 1
1 + 1 = 1
Ongoing and Recurring Pattern
From the cells of the leaf (9 0’clock in the diagram) through the lobules of the leaf (11 o’clock) to the leaf (12) to groupings of the leaves on a branch (1 o’clock) to a branch of a tree (5 o’clock) to the tree(7 o’clock ) to the forest (center)
Ashley Davidoff

In the beginning

Maples Weeded Early Terracing and Early Framework June 2011
new garden the hill Ron and Neal Gold construction spring 2011 rocks terracing garden Ashley Davidoff 102428p.8s
A Closer Look
Davidoff photography Copyright 2012 102428pb01.8s
New Garden on the Hill
Maples Weeded Early Terracing and Early Framework May 2011
Ashley Davidoff 102418p.8s
July 2011
Davidoff photography Copyright 2012 102712p.8s
By Summers End 2011 ? Garden Complete
Ashley Davidoff 106665p.8s
May 2012
Ashley Davidoff  109414p.8sb01
September 2011
Ashley Davidoff  107442pb.8s


A Garden Of and Made of Love and Gratitude to My Parents and Nature for All the Lessons They Have and Continue to Teach

The Stolen Kiss

A Stolen Kiss in the Garden
home tree water rock 68972 Ashley Davidoff garden Davidoff art
Romance under the Moon -Strengthening the Bond of Love in Nature
Acknowledging Lessons from nature, the garden, my parents and Le Dor Vador – from generation to generation

Nature and Nurture

Nature – The Genes at Work – It is what it is!
An Allium with Genetic Variation in a Tall Floret while the rest make a perfect hemisphere and below
A Tall Person in a Performance Troupe- Also a Genetic Variation
Acknowledging the lessons learned in our garden, my parents, friends and teachers Le Dor Va Dor Nature and Nurture are key elements
Nature – The Genes at Work – It is what it Ii!
An Allium with Genetic Variation in a Tall Floret while the rest make a perfect hemisphere
A Tall Person in a Performance Troupe- Also a Genetic Variation
Acknowledging the lessons learned in our garden, my parents, friends and teachers Le Dor Va Dor Nature and Nurture are key elements

The Miracle of All Miracles WOW WOW WOW!!!

The most miraculous biological event we can experience, is the human creation of new life. The plants flowers and trees, of course animal life also have this capability.
1 sperm meets 1 egg and a new spark of life is created (1 +1 = 1) … WOW WOW WOW !!!, bigger and more complex than the individual parts and given a favorable environment, and after division after division with cell differentiation the cells become 26 trillion cells in 9 months!!!! . — what a great investment, WOW WOW WOW – simply unbelievable. I challenge any super duper rich person to do the same in any period of time
Miracle of All Miracles – reproduction
Ashley Davidoff
The image above displays a variety of reproductive components of flowers. Male pollen seen spilling in the center hibiscus, fertilizes female ovules, producing seeds, and given a favorable environment enables the birth of new plant life.
Genetic material (nature) is passed on in both instances (human and plant ), and the ability to flourish requires nurture.
This post is dedicated to the miracles of nature (let us not take them for granted and we need to stand in awe – all the time)
These lessons have been learned from the garden, my parents and teachers – Le Dor Vador – from generation to generation


Said the Mother to Her Child

Creating the Garden Rules to Ensure a Harmonious Environment

Said the Gardner to the Plants Trees and Flowers in the Garden or the Choirmaster to the Choir or the Conductor to the  Orchestra
The Garden and the Gardener The Choirmaster and the Choir and the Conductor and the Orchestra
In order for the Garden Symphony to come together in complete harmony there has to be an understanding between the gardener and the garden – each having responsibilities and rules to work towards pure harmony.

Said the gardener, choirmaster or conductor to the members of the group

I will look after you
I will respect you and your individuality
The way I have organized you, I am able to see all of you from the focal point so I can and will monitor and ensure your wellbeing
I will ensure you all get sun, food and water
Together you will make one beautiful wholesome harmonious garden. It will take time but it will come
Unfortunately time and disease has its toll on all of biology, and I will do my best to ensure kindness to you when these befall you
If I see that one of you is taking sun soil or water from another plant or tree, I will prune and correct the situation
We have to be together in this endeavor otherwise we will not attain pure harmony at the highest level

In order to create harmony at the highest level we will need to create rules

9 Commandments

said the gardener conductor and choirmaster to their groups

1- I am , the gardener conductor and choirmaster and am in control of how we will be as a group . If you choose a different leader we will never be able to reach a common harmony.  We have to be dedicated and committed to each other from the start – and once you contract in, you should not seek any other leader
2. You shall be dedicated to your task of bringing ultimate harmony to the world.  Do not lose focus and seek other interests that will redirect you away from your function
3.  You have to have full trust in and  respect of your leader There should be no ridiculing of the gardener, the choirmaster or the conductor
4.You must remember to rest
5. You must respect the generations that came before you  You are nothing without  the genes of the flowers and trees, or the music of Mozart, or Beethoven and all those greats that came before you
6. You must not kill other trees and plants, or other musicians or singers for that matter
7. You must not try and steal  the sun water or soil belonging to other plants or trees .. or steal  musical instruments
8. You must be honest to yourself and others
9.  You are who you are. Be proud of yourself, and of who you are .- Do not show jealousy or desire what other plants musicians or singers have.  You only waste energy in doing this and we need all your energy to have a singular focus

Time and Seasons

Time is a Moving Target – It is moving, but we need to target and prepare our seasons
How to Prepare The Garden And Our Lives for Each Season?
Are you prepared?
Lessons from the garden and my parents Le Dor Vador From Generation to Generation
Ashley Davidoff

To Everything There is a Season

Nothing Lasts Forever
To Everything There is a Season
Lessons from my Parents and the Garden Le Dor and Dor and Ecclesiastes
Ashley Davidoff

To Everything There is a Season Judy Collins and Pete Seeger

How to Prepare for the Fall in Our Garden and the Autumn of Our Lives?
How to Prepare for the Autumn in the Garden and Our Lives
For the Garden – Choose and plant a wide variety of trees that will provide a variety of colors enabling ongoing engagement, involvement, interest, and awe.
For our Lives – Choose a wide variety of interests that will enable ongoing color to our lives, enabling engagement, involvement, interest, and awe !
Acknowledging lessons from the garden and my parents – Le Dor Vador from Generation to Generation
Ashley Davidoff

And then there is winter

Our Garden – Winter at its Heaviest
The Fall passes slowly and we enter the cold and snow that drives all inward to seek protection The plants and trees shed their flowers and leaves – their energy source and their outside life of excitement that they had in the spring, summer and fall, now depend on their roots to sustain them through this difficult time.
What they have now is a history and a memory of Spring when they were full of energy and no responsibility – memories of Summer with friends social responsibilities, work, reproduction, family, flourishing , full of life – then the maturation process of the fall Now is the time for them and us to think about those prior seasons, and speak to the younger generation and impart wisdom No fancy parties are needed – No fancy clothes or cars, or meals or expensive wine – Just a nakedly honest review of real life, and advice to the next generation
Acknowledging lessons from the garden and my parents Le Dor VaDor from Generation to Generation
The Winter at Its Heaviest
Ashley Davidoff
When we are in the Winter of our lives, and the fruitful color of our Spring and Summer have passed us, and the beautiful rich mellow years of the Autumn have passed, we can find our depth and support in our roots We should never forget the importance of our roots which sustain us throughout our lives
Tribute to nature, our garden, our parents and our ancestors Le Dor Vador From Generation to Generation

When the Spring comes – everything is so young and fresh and immature and so welcome- like a new born baby .  And this is the time to sow your seeds in the garden, of hope and dreams and nurture and love learned from our parents. Give your young flowers and your children every opportunity to flourish  They cannot recognize their own potential – They are empty barrels with a genetic story  when they start out,  and an empty barrrel with potential requiring  nurturing , love and nourishment of the soul in order that they can flourish

When the Spring comes – everything is so young and fresh and immature and so welcome- like a new born baby .  And this is the time to sow your seeds in the garden, of hope and dreams and nurture and love learned from our parents. Give your young flowers and your children every opportunity to flourish  They cannot recognize their own potential – They are empty barrels with a genetic story  when they start out,  and an empty barrrel with potential requiring  nurturing , love and nourishment of the soul in order that they can flourish
Acknowledging lessons from the garden and my parents – Le Dor VadDor From Genetration to Generation



Our Visitors

“Keep your home open to all visitors” –
Lessons from the garden and our parents
Our garden has many guests – each with their own story to teach
I posted the Monarch and its amazing feat of a 2000 mile migration in the Fall to the mountains of Mexico
The Dance Duet in Our Garden
Acknowledging the miracles in and around us
Fascinating Story of the Monarchs
Did you know that millions of Monarch butterflies from North America and Canada fly 2000 miles in 2 months to Mexico in the winter for the warm weather .. and nobody knows how they do it Millions cling together for warmth in lumps on the trees in the same mountains where generation after generation they return to this area
Legend has it, that they are spirits of the departed They arrive soon after the Day of the Dead an ancient Aztec custom of celebrating ancestors with All Souls’ Day – on November 1 and 2, – a family reunion of dead ancestors .
YOU Tube video


And now the American Goldfinch
The American Goldfinch Visiting our Garden with its Elegant and Light Touch Upon the Zinnia
“Keep your home open to all visitors” –
Lessons from the garden and our parents
Acknowledging lessons from our garden and our parents Le Dor Vador
The goldfinches are symbolic of joy, enthusiasm, positivity, and persistence. In Christianity, these birds are considered to be sacred. In the ancient Egyptian culture, they personify the souls of dead human beings. The Native Americans consider them to be symbolic of prosperity and abundance.
Abraham’s and Sarah’s home by legend had 4 doors for any and all guests to enter
Acknowledging lessons from our garden and our parents Le Dor Vador

 And now Lessons from the Chipmunks

The Chipmunk in Our Garden
Acknowledging the lessons from our garden and parents
Le Dor va Dor From Generation to Generation
The Chipmunk in Our Garden
Posing with the Soapstone Man from Swaziland
The chipmunk by its nature, is spontaneous and creative and can teach us how to be the same. They are beautiful, curious endearing animals, with huge personalities.
My mothers words ring true Dig deep into your soul and express all your creativity Do not let your creative side lay fallow Get it out whenever you can!
Chipmunks do not have many enemies mostly because they avoid unsafe situations, adaptable, and are not excessively discriminating .
And my Dad’s words echo in my head of focusing on a career, avoiding potential detrimental situations and to make many friends.
Chipmunks comprehend and understand changes in the seasons and store food for times of scarcity . Their homes have more than one entrance and exit.
My Dad as a 6 year old escaped the pogroms with his mother and 3 brothers with nothing to their name
Many years later, comprehending the situation in South Africa during the apartheid years, he and my mother saw the writing on the wall and laid the foundation for all of us to emigrate to a safer and more moral ground
Acknowledging the lessons from our garden and parents
Le Dor va Dor From Generation to Generation
Focus on the Prize
Acknowledging the lessons learned from the garden, nature and my parents le Dor Vador From Generation to Generation
Ashley Davidoff
Focus on the Prize
So on with lessons from the garden and my parents
We are up to the part where we learned that our home and garden should be wide open to visitors
The beautiful mysterious chipmunk with such a delicate touch and amazing agility, balancing on the delicate branches of the orange Cosmos, feeding on seeds and petals, without any disturbance of the stems, even while upside down.
Said the chipmunk to me “Speak softly and tread lightly on the sticks… if you want to get what you need”
And similarly ingrained by my folks “Keep your eye on the prize and go about getting it quietly”

The Squirrels

The squirrel represents rebirth, renewal, energy, positivity, hard work, duty and balance.  They rarely stop moving, and  guide us to work hard and being prepared.  Highly social animals and they frequently are seen chasing and playing around with each other, balancing fun wit serious survival.  They forage fruits of nature and store them for tougher times.
Yin Yang Squirrels Playing in our Garden
Two opposite characteristics of the squirrel include their playfulness and their survival instincts existing in balance and harmony and complementing each other, just like the symbolism of the yin yang.
Ashley Davidoff

Our parents always called for a balance in life – just like the squirrels – time to have fun, and time to be serious.  The squirrel uses its times of play to enhance its survival skills.   Our parents always encouraged us to play sports – improving our agility and strength – using playfulness to gain physical strength

Squirrel has neatly “squirelled” away these acorns in its hiding place for the winter
Ashley Davidoff
Interaction with this intelligent animal the squirrel in our garden and learning to see the funny things in life
Said the squirrel to me
1- “What are you looking at, you old gray haired man?”
2- “I” , said the squirrel, ” am just looking for something to nosh”.
3- With his head buried in the pot I could hear him bellow “Not even a tiny nut ? Not nutting in this pot!”
4- “Can you believe that? ” said the squirrel turning to me, and then he continued,
5- “so I think I?ll take a poop”.
6- “I ask you again old gray haired man, what are you looking at ?”
Moral of the story and lessons from my parents Look and see the funny sides of life From generation to generation
Ashley Davidoff

I love to go back to fundamentals and believe that the fundamentals of Judaism are in the ten commandments

Moses The Ten Commandments and the Children of Israel on Mount Sinai

When the garden was initially built and I found the spot of the conductor the big waterfall in front of the conductor and the story of the Mount Sinai and the children is relayed in the garden

More to come and show in the design of mount Sinai and the Ten Commandment

Moses and Ten Commandments

Children of israel