The Common Vein Copyright 2007
The following module represents an introductory context to physiology and biological function and is intended to be a foundation pattern for the function of the organs as they evolve. We ahve already explored some of these principles as we initiated the concept of biological principles. We will advance the concepts of the type of forces and orderly  interactions that occur between organs, tissues and cells since physiology is really about changing one form of energy or force into another so that the energy can be used for survival and growth.
Therereafter we will introduce a basic pattern of how the biological units handle the different energy sources they function with and will note that they have to first have a mechanism to receive, and then to process, and finally to export the products at hand.
Lastly we will introduce the basic functions that each organism or biological unit needs in order to survive and be useful to the organism. They include
specialised function
control system
Pump Action
49483b01 heart cardiac LV left ventricle aorta aortic systemic circulation capillary capillaries arterioles venules right atrium RA right ventricle RV normal physiology pressures hemodynamics Davidoff MD Davidoff art |
Chemical Forces
Sodium Potassium Pump Mechanism in the Transmission of a Nerve Impulse
72045b04.800 nerve conduction force electricity electric force positive force negative force sodium pump Na pump Patassium pump K+ pump diffusion conduction of impulses Davidoff drawing Davidoff art Davidoff MD |
Electrical Forces
EKG – Electrical Activity of the Heart
71679 heart cardiac electrical activity electricity force p wave QRS complex STsegment T wave normal EKG Laboratory Davidoff MD |
Chewing Carbohydrates with Chemical Action of Amylase results in Glucose Availability
62306b05p.800 food carbohydrates dessert almonds nuts blueberry blueberries chocolate chewing mastication amylase chemical forces breakdown enzyme catabolism glucose Davidoff art Davidpff photography Davidoff MD |
Receive Process and Export
Presynaptic junction produces and exports its product which the and post synaptic junction receives and is affected by
72046.800 mitochondria transmitter vesicles presynaptic terminal post synaptic terminal soma of neuron synaptic cleft acetyl choline norepinephrine dopamine serotonin forces chemical energy function principles Davidoff art Davidoff drawing Davidoff MD |
Specialized Function – Master Control System
Brain – Specialised Function – Control System
14798b08.800 brain anatomy physiology cerebrum cerebral autonomic nervous system central nervous system peripheral nervous system eyes ears mouth nose taste sight heart cardiovascular system respiratoty system lungs gastrointestinal system liver pancreas kidney spleen adrenals gentourinary system genitalia normal anatomy davidoff art TCV the common vein |
Transport Systems in the Body
32369 tube colon small bowel lung bronchus bronchi esophagus stomach large bowel bile duct ureter brain liver urinary bladder heart cardiac artery arteries arterial system veins venous system tube principles Davidoff art Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD |

Protective Systems Macrophage and Bony Thoracic Cage
71680b02.800 reticuloendothelial system macrophage cell protection immune scavenger leukocyte white cell Davidoff art Davidoff MD normal cytology
49640 bone rib thoracic spine spinous processes scapula protection support CTscan volume rendering Davidoff MD |
Fat Storage
49671c01 abdomen fat adipose tissue storage rotund belly umbilicus belly button surface rendring CTscan Davidoff MD |
Femur – From Fetus to Adulthood
48395c01 bone femur femoral length fetus adult age aaging time growth normal Davidoff MD |