Uncategorized Light at the End of the TunnelAshley Davidoff dog-walk-art-0263-catalogue-signed-rotated.jpg IRIS(H) FAMILY CAUGHT IN THE RAIN263Ashley Davidoff The Beauty of the BirdAshley Davidoff SpringtimeOriginal was a reflection of a tree trunk in a melting ice puddle – With manipulation of contrast and saturation, the green which was the bordering grass became the tree top and the orange leaves in the puddle started to look like flowers around the tree. That the trunk is a reflection provides I believe a floating, light and hoping an ethereal or maybe surreal sense to the photographNikon AF Thumbsplus post processingAshley Davidoff Sunset in the DrakensbergSouth AfricaAshley Davidoff Yellow TulipsAshley Davidoff The Tree and the Blue SkyReflection off the Granite TableAshley Davidoff Sunset in the Drakensberg South AfricaAshley Davidoff