Clinical Diagnosis

The Common Vein copyright 2007


Clinical diagnosis is a determination of the nature of a disease using clinical tools.

We approach clinical diagnosis as a procedure so the principles we use include a definition of what thhe procedure is, indications, contraindications, advantages, disadvantages, aim, method, (patient preparation, tools technique) expected results, and  complications.

The aim of the clinical evaluation is to solve a clinical situation or problem in order to treat or manage the situation and brng it back to health or order.

The indications to move forward with the process is usually driven by patients who suspect a new or uncomfortable disorder, or by a parent or caregiver who suspects a new disorder.  Routine clinical evaluation is the suggested evaluation of otherwise asymptomatic people in whom visits to the doctor are recommended by protocol or by the desire of the patient for health maintenance.

In general there are no contraindications to clinical evaluation.

The advantages include the diagnosis and treatment of a disorder.

The disadvanatge is sometime overuse and anxiety provoking effects of the interchange, sometimes by misunderstanding, sometimes by lack of chemistry between the twoparties and sometimes created by human error.

The method first requires patient preparation.  The patient should be made comfortable, placed in a relaxed and comfortable environment, and should be informed of what to expect.

The tools to be used include a stethoscope, otoscope, laryngoscope, hammer, and sounding fork.  They should be in good order and should be clean.

The technique involves first taking a history, and then performing clinical examination.

The expected results after the clinical examination is to either have come to a definitive or probable diagnosis to enable treatment tor management to proceed, or to move forward to another diagnostic level when deemed appropriate.

No physical complications other than potential psychological complications are part of a routine clinical visit.