In all DANCE, when  compatible parts of the steps of the dance are optimally positioned, and connected, usually within the context of music, they are able to  function together and produce a Oneness as an artistic dance piece 

As a consequence, there is a surprising and sometimes miraculous result limited only by time.

This site reflects my own attempts through photography and observed videos from the web that reflect a sense of wholeness in dance .  The dance pieces at some time in my life and in some context have moved me.  I believe at these times, a the truth of the art of dance, wholeness and oneness has been reveled.

Ashley Davidoff  Art of Dance

Dancing as One  –

The Mayyas from Lebanon

Dancing as One

Gardiner Brothers Irish Dance to Just beat It

Chinese Swan Lake

Riverdance at Eurovision 1994

River Dance Chinese Style


Young Boy Doing Flamenco

Perfection – In Oneness
Alvin Ailey


The Common Vein

Copyright 2013

 Dedicated to my late mother Joyce Davidoff who fired my soul and taught me so much ….especially the beauty of dance and creativity….

….and to my late father Percy Davidoff whose wisdom and gentle ways guided us all.

Dancers in Harmony

82729p Beyond the Dance Davidoff art Davidoff painting


82737p.800 dancer dancing Davidoff art

Dancer 3

80593p.800 Dancer Davidoff art Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Davidoff sculpture


80592p.800 Dancer Davidoff art Courtesy Ashley Davidof MD Davidoff sculpture

Dance in Blue

82840p.800 couple nude man woman TCV oneness Davidoff art


80606p.800 dancer Davidoff art Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

Dance in Pastel

82730p Duet Davidoff art Davidoff painting Davidoff drawing

Dance of the Butterflies

80753pb01.800 Dancers Arielle Davidoff art Davidoff photography Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

The Dance of the Sphere

80744pb01.800 Dancers Arielle Davidoff art Davidoff photography Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD


81355pb02.800 hell photography Laren Netherlands Holland devils ghosts Davidoff photography

Coy Dancer

82700pb02 dancer coy Davidoff art Davidoff sculpture

Dance of the Body

46580b02.800 body dance brain nerve muscle Davidoff art

Dancer in the Woods

83604.800 dancer in the woods dancer 6foot high sculpture Davidoff Art

5the Position

Arms Up and Over the Head

A Clematis – Just About to Open

91721p.8s Davidoff photography Davidoff art all rights reserved copyright 2009

Ghost Dancers

83669b01.800 Ghost Dancers Davidoff Art dance

Angels in Blue

83664.800 Angels in Blue Dance Davidoff Art

Angels on Fire

83664b01.800 Angels on Fire Dance Davidoff Art Davidoff photography

Nuts About Dancing

04359p.800 Nuts about Dancing Dance Davidoff Art


82810pb02.800 dance sunrise on waking stretching extending orange extension back lumbar spine thoracic spine Davidoff photography Davidoff MD dance

Dance in Blue

82818pb01.800 dance in blue foot pointed normal Davidoff photography

 Fiery Flamenco Dance

82595.8s gallbladder bile duct inflammation flamenco dance fiery fire acute calculous cholecystitis Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD copyright 2008

Gentleness Kindness

87007pb02s.8 dance beauty of form and function grace coordination Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2008

Poise and Peak

87162pb01bs.8 dance beauty coordination form and function perfection anatomy physiology Davidoff art Davidoff photography Copyright 2008

Dance of the Gypsy Children

64310.4kb06.8s dance excercise movement spine lumbar spine thoracic spine balance muscles expression creativity Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved 2001June 2001

Grace and Power in Blue

71900pb02.8s dance excercise movement spine lumbar spine thoracic spine balance muscles expression creativity cerebellum equilibrium middle ear extension extend erector spinae muscles longissimus muscle multifidus muscle iliocostalis muscle quadratus lumborum muscle psoas muscle abdominal muscles transversus abdominis muscle internal oblique muscle external oblique muscle rectus abdominis muscle thigh muscles sartorius tensor fascia lata rectus femoris vastus lateralis vastus medialis rectus femoris quadriceps femoris ilacus iliopsoas pectineus adductor longus adductor brevis hamstrings buttock muscles gluteus maximus gluteus medius gluteus minimus tensor fascia lata lateral rotator group periformis inferior gemellus obturator internus superior gemellus quadratus femoris posterior thigh biceps femoris semitendinosus semimembranosus leg anterior compartment tibialis anterior extensor hallucis longus extensor digitorum longus peroneus tertius posterior compartment superficial calf triceps surae gastrocnemius soleus plantaris posterior compartment deep tarsal tunnel flexor hallucis longus flexor digitorum longus tibialis posterior popliteus lateral compartment peroneus muscles peroneus longus peroneus brevis foot plantar first layer abductor hallucis flexor digitorum brevis abductor digiti minimi foot plantar second layer quadratus plantae lumbrical muscle foot plantar third layer flexor hallucis brevis adductor hallucis flexor digiti minimi brevis foot plantar fourt layer dorsal interossei plantar interossei Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Poise in Pink

71901p.4kb07.8s dance excercise movement spine lumbar spine thoracic spine balance muscles expression creativity cerebellum equilibrium middle ear extension extend erector spinae muscles longissimus muscle multifidus muscle iliocostalis muscle quadratus lumborum muscle psoas muscle abdominal muscles transversus abdominis muscle internal oblique muscle external oblique muscle rectus abdominis muscle thigh muscles sartorius tensor fascia lata rectus femoris vastus lateralis vastus medialis rectus femoris quadriceps femoris ilacus iliopsoas pectineus adductor longus adductor brevis hamstrings buttock muscles gluteus maximus gluteus medius gluteus minimus tensor fascia lata lateral rotator group periformis inferior gemellus obturator internus superior gemellus quadratus femoris posterior thigh biceps femoris semitendinosus semimembranosus leg anterior compartment tibialis anterior extensor hallucis longus extensor digitorum longus peroneus tertius posterior compartment superficial calf triceps surae gastrocnemius soleus plantaris posterior compartment deep tarsal tunnel flexor hallucis longus flexor digitorum longus tibialis posterior popliteus lateral compartment peroneus muscles peroneus longus peroneus brevis foot plantar first layer abductor hallucis flexor digitorum brevis abductor digiti minimi foot plantar second layer quadratus plantae lumbrical muscle foot plantar third layer flexor hallucis brevis adductor hallucis flexor digiti minimi brevis foot plantar fourt layer dorsal interossei plantar interossei Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Trio en Pointe

71916p.3k.8s Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Trio En Pointe II

71916p.3kb08r02 dance ballet Rosita’s dance portfolio Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Elegance at  the Bar

71916p.4kb06.8s Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

En Pointe

71919pb01.8s Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

En Pointe in Pink

71919pb02.8s Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved 

Growing Up

86937pb01.8s dance movement Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Red Wind

86938pb.8s dance movement Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Blue Rain

86946pb.8s dance movement Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Purple Umbrellas

86948pb01.8s dance movement rain umbrella Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Green Umbrellas

86950pb01.8s dance movement Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

The Blue Rectangular People

86952pbb01.8s dance movement Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


86955pb01.8s fear dance movement huddle Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

What You Gotta Say?

86960pb01.8s fear dance movement startle frighten attack arms Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


86965pb01.8s faith dance movement arms Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Soft Faith

86965pb02.8s faith dance movement arms Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Time Moves On in Black and White

86968pb02.8s dance movement fear Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Elegance in Purple

86976pb03.8s dance movement pink fuchsia fearDavidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Dancers at the Beach

86977pb02.8s dance movement black and white gray balance elevation kick fearDavidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

The Leap in Lime

86986pb02.8s dance movement lime green balance elevation fearDavidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Upward in Light Teal

86986pb03.8s dance movement lime green balance elevation fearDavidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Upward in Maroon

86986pb04.8s dance movement lime green balance elevation fearDavidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Dance of the Firefly

86988pb12.61k.8k dance movement gold balance togetherness Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Stiff Movement in Black and White

86989pb01.8k.8ks dance movement black and white balance togetherness Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Solo in Yellow Satin

86993pb03.82k.8s dance movement black and white balance solo uniqueness Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Elegance En Pointe

86995pb02.64.8s dance movement poise black and white rembrandt colors balance pointe entry and exit uniqueness Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

En Pointe in Pastel

86995pb02.65r dance ballet Rosita’s dance portfolio Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Ballet in Ochre

87005pb03.61r dance ballet Rosita’s dance portfolio Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Ballet in Light Olive Green

87005pb03.61r01 dance ballet Rosita’s dance portfolio Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Ballet  in Peach

87005pb03.61r02 dance ballet Rosita’s dance portfolio Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Ballet  in Soft Brown

87005pb03.62.8s dance movement poise gold sepia balance units to unity uniqueness Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Ballet in Soft Blue

87005pb03.64.8s dance movement poise blue balance units to unity uniqueness Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


Buuterflies in Light Purple

87008pb04.8s dance beauty of form and function grace coordination Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2008 Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Pink on Fire

87024pb03.81k.8s dance movement black pink units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Impressions in Green

87049pb03.6k.8s dance movement green units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Action in a Red Background

87050pb02.8k.8s dance movement red units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Poise in Pink

87007pb02s.8 dance beauty of form and function grace coordination Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2008


87052pb01.8k.8s dance movement black white units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Vibrating Molecules to Soul

87054pb01.8.8s dance movement yellow units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Dance at the Lily Pond

87058pb02.8k.8s dance movement green purple units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Dancing at Dusk

87061pb01b.85k.85s dance movement sunrise purple units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Power of the Front Dancer

87077pb02..81k.8s dance movement purple units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


87084pb03.8s.8s dance movement bugs units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


87090pb05.8k.8s dance movement bugs units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Intensity in Royal Blue

87092pb02.8k.8s dance movement blue pink units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Magic Carpet Ride

87094pb05.86k.8s dance movement magic carpet ride units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Explosion of Light

87095pb02.8k.8s blast of light dance movement magic carpet ride units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

The Fight

87096pb01.82k.8s the fight dance movement magic carpet ride units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

The Brawl

87096pb01.83k.8s the brawl dance movement magic carpet ride units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


87097pb03.81k.81s duet dance movement magic carpet ride units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


Waiting for the Train to Auschwitz

87098pb05.8k.8s  Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Wings that Wont Fly

87099pb02.8k.8s Wings That Won’t Fly dance movement magic carpet ride units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


87099pb04.8k.8s Frustration dance movement magic carpet ride units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Feet in Fourth

87102pb.8k.8s solo in blue dance movement magic carpet ride units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Welcome!  in a Green Background

87103pb03.8k.8s dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Bigger than Life in Peach Pink

87104pb05.8kb.8s breast dance cell to soul units to unity cancer treated cancer free malignant born again freedom joy of life Davidoff art copyright 2009 all rights reserved


Night Rush in Pink

87105pb03.8k.8s dance disease cancer running away fear despair pink running in pink Davidoff art copyright 2009 all rights reserved

The Individual and the Community

87108pb07.8k.8s 87105pb03.8k.8s The Awe of the Mountain dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Wrath of the Community in Blue Gray

87108pb10.8k.8s Snow in the Mountains dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Wrath of the Community in Red

87108pb09b.8k.8s Fire Dancedance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

On All Fours

87112pb04.8s On All Fours dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Blessing in Pink

87118pb03.81Kr03 dance ballet Rosita’s dance portfolio Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Blessing in Blue

87118pb03.8K.8S A Dance Blessing dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


87119pb08.8k.8s trapped dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


No Way Out

87120pb01.8k.8s the only way out dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

We  Have No Fear

87121pb.8k.8s Stand Upright and Be Strong dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

The Individual in the Group

Black and White

87125pb.8k.8s Away With You dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Embryonic Duet in Yellow

87141pb05.81k.8s evolution Pregnancy dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Embryonic Duet in Pink and Black

87141pb05.8k.8s Pregnancy dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Growing Long

87145p.8k.8s Lady with a aAll dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Pink Ball

87145pb03.8k.8s 87145p.8k.8s Lady with a Balll dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


87154pb08.8s Opening Night dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Standing Away From the Fashion of the Crowd

87159pb01.8k.8s Rebel in the Community dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Blue Individual Attracting Another From the Fashionable Pink Crowd

87160pb03b.8k.8s Different dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Different and Friends

87160pb04b01.8k.8s Different dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Different and mean

The Malignant Cell

87160pb06b02b02.81k.8s Different mean space occupation push shove multiplication cancer malignant division bizarre mean loose bonds lack cohesion small hyperchromatic dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Multiplying Meaness 

Cancer Grows

87160pb06b02.8k.8s Different cancer malignant division bizarre mean loose bonds lack cohesion small hyperchromatic dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Converation on the Street

87168p.8k.8s dance breast cancer sharing the news carcinoma units to unity davidoff photography Davidoff art copyright 2009 all rights reserved


87161pb03.8s dance breast cancer XRT radiation therapy Davidoff art copyright 2009 all rights reserved


87162pb01bs.8 dance beauty coordination form and function perfection anatomy physiology Davidoff art Davidoff photography Copyright 2008 with permission of the dancer

Symmetry and the End

They All Lived Happily Ever After

94725pb.8s team time connected the end symmetry dance black and white Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2010

Another Culture in Blue with Tambourines

94726pb.8s tambourine dance in blue dance Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2010

Another Culture in Green with Tambourines

94726pb01.8s tambourine dance in green Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2010
