Bursa of the Hip

The Common Vein Copyright 2009

Matthew Diltz MD


There are several clinically important bursae around the hip joint. Anteriorly, the iliopsoas bursa lies between the psoas muscle and the joint surface. The trochanteric bursa lies between the gluteus maximus muscle and the posterolateral greater trochanter, and the ischiogluteal bursa overlies the ischial tuberosity. The function of the bursae are to serve as a shock absorber and lubricant for muscles adjacent to the joint.

The iliopsoas bursa is the largest bursa in the hip joint. The most common pathology associated with the bursa is inflammation, or bursitis. Trochanteric bursitis is an inflammation of the trochanteric bursa. Clinically, the patient has point tenderness at the lateral hip. On physical exam, the patient lies on the contralateral side while the affected hip is adducted. The compression of the symptomatic bursa elicits pain. Treatment with anti inflamatories and physical therapy resolves the majority of the cases.

