Maryam Vejdani Jerome
Leah Schaffer



In order to promote quality of radiology education and to consolidate our resources, a library is being developed for the presented lectures in our department including presented lectures by attendings, residents and medical students. The main goals of this project are:

–      To provide access to the presented lectures for those who miss them or for later reference

–      To build a collective library/list of covered topics, in order to optimize/facilitate selection of new presentation topics by the presenters.

To ensure coverage of the curriculum


The first phase for collecting presentations has been started including 22 presentations from medical students so far. In order to proceed with the second phase, we would like to ask you (residents) to submit your presentations to your personal folder.

We will provide you with access to this folder and you will be able to work from this folder (edit, collaborate, present)

In addition you will be able to access all the other finalised Powerpoints in the department including finalised versions of the students, fellow residents and attendings

We are hoping to have a collection that  fulfils the curriculum requirements

In addition we would like you in the future to add 2-3 (or more)OLA’s to the Powerpoint at the end of your lecture so that we can use these in the future to help prepare the 3rd year residents for their board exams.  Will Bichet is going to collect these OLAs from the Powerpoints and create a library of OLA’s within the BMC Imaging Library

Please please

–      Remove identifiable patient information according to HIPAA

–      Include 2-3 OLA’s

–      Include references and citations


By sending your presentation you are permitting the department of radiology to publish them on the bmc library website for educational purposes.