New Format – Educational Elective

Ilse Castro Aragon, Bindu Setty,
Priscilla Slanetz,  and Ashley Davidoff

We started a new format for the MS4 Education Rotation
  • Intent
    • Using A Case Study presented in  Power Point (PP) to;
      • Help  lay the foundation to BMC Imaging Library
      • Provide the Student with a Chance to Publish
      • To test the feasibility of our project
  • We asked the students to do
    • at least 2 Case Studies in PP –
      1. Basic ER type focus, and a
      2. Potentially publishable eg in Case in Point

We created a template consisting of the following pages

    • Title
    • Case History
    • Image/s
    • Clinical Follow Up
    • Summary of Imaging Characteristics of the Specific Disease – In a Nutshell
    • Voice Rad – Attending Recording of the Key Points in Diagnosis
    • Imaging Spectrum of the Disease – Images eg Mild Mod Severe
    • OLA – between 1 and 3 MCQs
    • Discussion of the Case
    • Links and References


  • Example of a Page in the PP
    • Presentation Page
    • Notes Page

  • Presentation Page
Notes Section


  • Once the Power Point is Signed Off

  • It will be
    • Exported to Honeycomb
      • Extract the whole  Powerpoint in the Case History Library
      • Extract the Data from each page and place it it in the appropriate library
        • Image Library/ IaN/Voice Rad/OLA/ etc



The Template