Marc Salomon

Hi Marc
  • The questions you have to address are:
    • Frontal X ray
      • Is there cardiomegaly  based on CT ratio or shape of the heart See Casey’s part on how to assess CXR frontal
      • Is there LA enlargement
      • Is there CHF
    • Lateral X-ray
? Cardiomegaly ? CHF

Chest Xray of a 65 year old female with longstanding history of SLE, Lupus Sjogren?s and Raynaud?s presented with 2 weeks of dyspnea and elevated troponins suggestive of a STEMI.


Places to review

Cardiothoracic ratio
Shape of the Heart (ovoid or triangle)
Carinal angle for LA enlargement
Equalisation cephalisation, interstitial edema


Chest X-ray of a 65-year-old female with longstanding history of SLE, Lupus Sjogren’s and Raynaud’s presented with 2 weeks of dyspnea and elevated troponins suggestive of a STEMI. CXR on the frontal view shows a CT ratio that is probably normal, equivocal carinal angle and no evidence of CHF. Lateral exam suggests RVE with RV : sternal ration being >30% and LV: diaphragm ratio being >33%
Ashley Davidoff MD



Probable LVE and RVE

Unusual PA not enlarged and LA not enlarged


Next  Patrick Tivnan,   Mitral Annular Calcification and Aortic Annular Calcification