A company that is willing to help us with the development of our BMC Imaging library

The Vision for the Library at Large

Main Source for the Library
PACS and PB case Studies

Other Sources for the Library


Our Initial Focus for PP was a Pilot Projects with  Medical Students


Pilot project

Template for Med Students (web site)


    • Honeycomb

    • Jordan Gray, CEO, CIO of Honeycomb Archive  will present the web portal functions
    • Some funds are required to tailor this into the Honeycomb  platform
  • Ability to join “ride along”  pilot with existing Honeycomb collaborator – proof of concept for this company who will support mobile integration.

    4 Elements

    Extracting Data for the PowerPoint

    Housing the Images

    Secure Mobile Access

    Integrated SCORM Remote Learning

        • Honeycomb has extensive experience with Learning Management System (Online Learning Capabilities) and has established web access and added mobile connections as well