Kitt Shaffer MD PhD

Dr. Kitt Shaffer earned her MD from Tufts University, her Anatomy PhD from Kansas University, and is currently Vice-Chair for Radiology Education at Boston Medical Center. She is the recipient of numerous educational awards including the

  • Stauffer and Whitley Awards of the Association of University Radiologists (AUR),
  • Faculty Prize for Teaching at Harvard Medical School,
  • Outstanding Educator of the Year for the Radiologic Society of North America,
  • Educator of the Year by the AUR.
  • She collaborated with Dr. Petra Lewis in development of national curricular guidelines for medical students in Radiology and is a co-founder with Dr. Angelisa Paladin of the Clinician Educator Development Program of the American Roentgen Ray Society, a national program to train radiologists as educators. 
Harprit Bedi MD

Associate Vice Chairman, Radiology Education
Clinical Associate Professor of Radiology, Boston University School of Medicine
Fellowship Director, Neuroradiology
Emergency Radiology and Neuroradiology

  1. iPad in Radiology Resident Education. Korbage A MD, Bedi H. MD. J Am Coll Radiol. 2012 Oct;9(10):759-60.
  2. Mobile Technology in Radiology Resident Education. Korbage A MD, Bedi H MD. J Am Coll Radiol 2012;9:426-429.
  3. Developing a Flipped Classroom Workshop: From Soup to Nuts
    RSNA 2019
  4. Harprit Bedi: Using an iPad to Teach Wirelessly
  5. Technologies for Creating Educational Content and Teaching RSNA 2019
    Moderator: Harprit Bedi
  6. Grant Program Committee RSNA
    Harprit S. Bedi, MD, Education Study Section II Chairman
    Wellesley, MA

Priscilla Slanetz MD MPH

  • Medical educator developing and assessing curricula pertinent to medical student and resident education, with particular focus on professionalism, communication skills, healthcare economics and peer observation.

      • PUBLISHED ON 5/16/2020Slanetz PJ, Daye D, Chen PH, Salkowski LR. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Radiology Education Is Ready for Prime Time. J Am Coll Radiol. 2020 May 16. PMID: 32428437.
      • PUBLISHED ON 4/23/2020Slanetz PJ, Parikh U, Chapman T, Motuzas CL. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Radiology EducationStrategies for Survival. J Am Coll Radiol. 2020 Jun; 17(6):743-745. PMID: 32335184.
      • PUBLISHED ON 4/1/2020Catanzano TM, Slanetz P, Schaefer PW, Chetlen AL, Naeger DM, Mohammed TL, Agarwal V, Mullins ME. Vice Chair for Education: Twelve Roles to Provide a Framework for Success. Acad Radiol. 2020 Apr 01. PMID: 32247724.
      • PUBLISHED ON 1/28/2020Slanetz PJ, Omary RA, Mainiero MB, Deitte LA. Educating the Next Generation of Leaders in Radiology. J Am Coll Radiol. 2020 Jan 28. PMID: 32004481
      • PUBLISHED ON 1/6/2020Slanetz PJ, Naeger DM, Avery LL, Deitte LA. Mixed Practice in Radiology Education-Has the Time Come? J Am Coll Radiol. 2020 Jan 06. PMID: 31917246.
      • PUBLISHED ON 1/6/2020Slanetz PJ. The Power of One Small Act. J Am Coll Radiol. 2020 May; 17(5):684-685. PMID: 31917247.
      • PUBLISHED ON 9/26/2019Slanetz PJ, Pool KL, Vaccaro JP, Elizondo-Riojas G. Maximizing Radiology’s Global Value-Add. J Am Coll Radiol. 2020 Jun; 17(6):824-826. PMID: 31563520.
  • President ACER  2017.
    • Mission – promoting  and advancing the careers of clinician educators.
    • developed popular ACER programs including
      • Peer Observation and
      • Speed Mentoring
    • Throughout her career,
      • 80 mentees, and countless
        7 of whomare now active in the academic radiology
        community. Because she is leaving an
    • 2020 ACER Achievement Award.

Asim Mian

Mikhail Higgins

Hristina Natcheva