Lectures at BMC


AUR 2020 ideas

  • The Factory and the Department Store
    • One Integrated System
    • 2 tiered approach to the organization of an integrated  department
    • The Factory – A Department Library
      • The Raw Material
        • PACS The Machinery
          • The Product (Case Study)
            • Analysis of the Case
              • Report
                • How to use the Case Study
                  • Clinical Service
                  •  Teaching
                    • In Line
                    • Lectures
                      • Powerpoints
                  • Research
                  • Consultation
                  • Quality Control
        • The Workers
          • Student Education
            • In Line
            • On Line
          • Residents
            • In Line
            • On Line
          • Attendings
            • In Line
            • On Line
    • The Department Store – Front End Accomplishments
      • The People (current and past)
        • at work
        • out of work
      • The Department
        • Mission
        • Accomplishments
      • The Hospital
        • Mission
        • Accomplishments
      • Boston
        • Culture
          • Art , Museums, Theater, University and Colleges
        • Environment
          • River Sea Mountain
      • Links
        • Department
          • Phone, Page, email
        • Outside
          • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  • The Brick Ideas Relevant to the Central idea
    • A Centralized Department Imaging Library
    • Extracting the Power of the Power Point (Maryam)
    • Voice Rad Casey
    • OLA Will
    • Powerpoint Centralisation (Maryam)
    • Developing Fodder for AI (Andrew Hartz)
  • Dynamic Evolution of a CV
    • Documenting lectures/work
      • available for all to see and share
  • Art and Radiology
    • Art of the Brain Imaging
    • Art of heart Imaging
    • Art of Imaging in Pregnancy
    • Trees in the Body
    • Art of Imaging the Uterus
    • Art of the Pancreas
    • Art of the Breast
  • Educational Concepts
    • Segmenting and Sequencing  Connecting the Dots
  • History and Medicine
    • Da Vinci and Atherosclerosis  Isah Webb
    • Valve of Heister and Archimedes Screw Isah Webb
    • Liver Plates and Henry Ford Factory Line