Sarcoidosis, a Scare, Chest Pain, and an Octopus

R1 William Biche,   – Staging Sarcoidosis on CXR
R1  Michael Michno,   – Heart Failure on CXR
R2 Hoon Shin, – Sarcoidosis and Chest CT
R3 Pedro  Staziaki, –  Sarcoidosis and the Heart
R1 Maryam  Vejdani Jahromi, –  Coronary Anatomy
R3 Prashanth Haran,Our patient CXR, CT, angio and MR
R4 Gene  Kim, Another Patient and Review of the Subject





R1 Biche, William  available
R1 Greene, Cynthia  presented 01
R1 McLoughlin, James presented 01
R1 Michno, JR, Michael available
R1 Vejdani Jahromi, Maryam  available

R2 Salomon, Marc presented 01
R2 Tivnan, Patrick  presented 01

R2 Shin, Hoon available

R3 Staziaki, Pedro  available
R3 Baylosis, Barry no/yes
R3 Haran, Prashanth available
R3 Lee, John presented 01


R4 Ahmad, Zohaib presented 01
R4 Kim, Gene available
R4 Malak, Wassim available
R4 Mannix, Jaimee no/yes
R4 Onoue, Keita available
R4 Sarangi, Rutuparna available
R4 Wilson, Nicholas available

List of available residents who did not present

R1 Biche, William  available 001
R1 Michno, JR, Michael available 002
R1 Vejdani Jahromi, Maryam  available 003

R2 Shin, Hoon available 004

R3 Staziaki, Pedro  available 005
R3 Haran, Prashanth available 006

R4 Kim, Gene 007
R4 Malak, Wassim 008
R4 Mannix, Jaimee available
R4 Onoue, Keita available
R4 Sarangi, Rutuparna available
R4 Wilson, Nicholas available