We as humans, are a product of both nature and nurture.  The nature side depends on our  genes (our parents and ancestors) and the nurture side depends on our parents and the environment

While biological nature, at large, is dependent mostly on genes, a  garden is dependent on both nature and nurture as well.

The nurturing part of the garden is to ensure food, water  and sun.

So when looking for the naked truth – it seems more prudent, at least at first, to look to nature and the sciences of nature, to find the truth.  The more time we spend with nature, it seemed to me, the closer we potentially come to truth… and what better way to have nature in your backyard, in addition to intermittently spending time with it on vacations as source of a life pursuit.

We exist, and are what we are,  because of others who came before us.  The flowers and trees and the birds and the bees exist only because of something, and someone that came before them.  Hence it is only fair and right to pay tribute to our roots

I have therefore dedicated the garden to my parents and my roots …with full appreciation of the genetic lines of all that are planted in our  garden and all our non human visitors.  In the end – at least from the human side, it is not only about the genes, but also about  stories, history, lessons, beliefs, and inspirations.

When we are in the Winter of our lives, and the fruitful color of our Spring and Summer have passed us, and the beautiful rich mellow years of the Autumn have passed, we can find our depth and support in our roots We should never forget the importance of our roots which sustain us throughout our lives
Tribute to nature, our garden, our parents and our ancestors Le Dor Vador From Generation to Generation  Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net
Give them Roots and They Will Have Wings to Fly
Lessons from nature, the garden and those that came before us From Generation to generation Le Dor Vador
Ashley Davidoff MD