Uncategorized Mother and ChildAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.netCT ScanArt of Radiology Rib Cage of the JungleAshley Davidoff Chest X-ray DanceAshley Davidoff Frightened owlAshley Davidoff Seasons of the OwlAshley Davidoff Scoliosis DanceAshley Davidoff Ankylosing SpondylitisAshley Davidoff Fourth PositionAshley Davidoff Radiology Depends on Black and White1. Why did you create this piece? The whole is bigger than the parts and anatomy and physiology teach us how this works in the body as well as in radiology2. What was your inspiration? The current racial tensions in our country3. What does this piece mean to you as a radiologist/artist?In radiology we need the black and the white and all the shades in between in order for us to understand and interpret the image.Ashley Davidoff