

The Common Vein Copyright 2008



Acute Right Heart Failure and Gallbladder Wall Edema
00425 gallbladder wall fx edema dx CHF liver heart cardiac dx CHF liver CHF acute cardiac failure CTscan Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD copyright 2008

Edema of the Gallbladder Wall

liver gallbladder blood supply hepatic artery cystic artery cystic arterioles venules submucosa wall edema hyperemic mucosa red = hepatic artery green = lumen of the gallbladder CTscan

Copyright 2012 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2008 82006c05.8

75998.800 foot diabetes diabetic arteriopathy small artery disease calcification ‘edema swollen enlarged plain film plain X-ray Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD

Etymology if available



Web References