The Neuron ? ?Il Presidente?
They chose the brain cell or neuron for its leadership, and they playfully called it ?Il Presidente.? Crucially, the neuron could connect not only with other brain cells, but also (directly or indirectly) with every cell in the body. The neuron could also react to the outside environment.
By Ashley Davidoff

Adam and Eve Trying on the Brain Cell for Size
Adam tried on the brain cell and sought Eve?s approval. It was tailored for both the internal and external environments.
Modified public domain work of Henri Rousseau ?The Dream? 1910 (MoMA)
By Ashley Davidoff
The Neuron
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Brain Cells
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Connections of Brain Cells
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Forest of Brain Cells
by Ashley Davidoff MD
Brain Cells
by Ashley Davidoff MD