Ashley Davidoff MD

The Common Vein Copyright 2010


As Part of an Anaerobic Infection – Pyometria

Obstruction and Infection

The axial CTscan is from a 46 year old female with cervical carcinoma.  The images show an expanded irregular endometrial cavity (yellow) that contains air (black), thickened irregular cervix (soft tissue green), and fluid (yellow).

These findings are consistent cervical  carcinoma or less likely endometrial with secondary obstruction and  pyometria.

83682c01.8s Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Obstructed Uterus with Pyometria

46 year old female with obstructed uterus and fluid filled endometrial cavity with pockets of air caused by cervical carcinoma complicated by pyometria.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2009 all rights reserved 83682c04.8s

Obstructed Uterus with Pyometria

46 year old female with obstructed uterus and fluid filled endometrial cavity with pockets of air caused by cervical carcinoma complicated by pyometria.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2009 all rights reserved 83682c01b.8s

As a Result of a Fistula

Colovesical Fistula

Extension of a mucinous colon carcinoma into the uterus resulting in a fistula

12097  Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD