Control – Physiology
The Common Vein copyright 2007
We have previously discussed how the nervous system and the endocrine system control the body functions with the whole biological unit (in this case the person) in mind. We will start to advance the complexity of these control systems in this module. There are other control systems that need elucidation. For example the destiny of the individual is predetermined to some extent by the genes with which the person is born. As science and biology progress our abilities to read and modify the genetic instructions are being slowly realised. In addition, there are systems that are local to the cell, tissue and organ that are also functioning to optimise the efficiency of the organism, that enable it to adapt to the changing environmemt, and direct the system toward a more orderly state. Within these systems there are operations such as the negative feedback mechanisms that control supply, need, and demand. These operate at both the local as well as systemic levels. Chemical and mechanical stimuli are sensed locally and the reactive mechanisms are genenerated through mechanical and chemical effects. At our basic abilities we really are only able to do two things – secrete and contract. Secretion is our chemical efferent and contraction our mechanical efferent..
Genetic Control
The Helical Double Stranded Structure of the Gene
78612pb01.800 78612p.800 cell cytology color ribbon spiral double strand bond chromosomes genes nuclear material nucleus amino acid sequence Davidoff phortography Lucerne Switzerland Davidoff MD |
Genetic control not only carries information of evolution spanning thousands of years but also information that is important in the day to day lives of the cell. The genes determine the daily schedule of activity by controlling the synthesis of proteins and enzymes. The proteins for example may be lipoproteins that form the infrastructure of the organelles in the cell and the enzymes have extensive involvement in innumerable functions in the body including the syntheis of more complex structures and molecules such as glycogen, lipid and ATP. Without these raw materials the factories of the body cannot produce and so the genetic component in controlling the production oand refining of raw materials control the overall functioning of the organism as well – both in the timespan of a single life but also in the day to day activity and health of the organism or biological unit.
The genes are nucleic acids and are made from a double strand of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The DNA controls the formation of RNA (ribonucleic acid) which is able to leave the inner sanctum of the nucleus and transmit the work list and the recipes to the workers in the cytoplasm. In so doing both strutural elements and functional elements result, and hence both structure and function are controlled indirectly and directly by the genes.
Power of the Genes
71586b08.800 brain parts masks pink anatomy genetics genes generations coronal projections MRI Davidoff art Davidoff MD |
Nervous System
The nervous system has a slightly different picture in mind than the genes do. The most basic and primitive function is survivability of an individual. The reflex action of a person after touching a hot stove is an almost instantaneous reflex withdrawal of the hand without a concious thought necessarily being involved. This particular reflex is initiated from a peripheral sensory nerve and executed through the spinal cord without getting the brain involved. The autonomic nervous system also functions automatically. It controls and integrates bodily functions. Some of these functions are vital at a second to second time interval including the maintenance of breathing and heart beat, while others such as digestion are important at an hour to hour time interval. The processing component of the autonomic nervous system though is within the lower levels of the brain. At a higher level the control arises from decision making from what clothes to wear, to where one will live and with whom we will live, and what work or profession we will be best suited for. This aspect currently goes beyond the boundaries of this module but the perspective of control and decision making is certainly an important facet to touch upon.
We thus can recognise three levels of the nervous system that have functional control. The spinal cord, the lower brain level and the higher brain or cortical level. The lower brain consists of the medulla, pons, mesencephalon, hypothalamus, thalamus cerebellum and basal ganglia each of which has its own specialised function in the system. The cortical level contains 75% of all the cell bodies and appears to be an ougrowth of the thalamus.
The Autonomic Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system receives sensory input from the organs at three major centres; spinal cord; brain stem; hypothalamus. From these centres the processing and coordiantion of bodily needs takes place and the efferent system is executed via sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
Sympathetic Efferent System
14798d03.800 sympathetic nervous sytem brain cerebral function autonomic nervous system efferent nerves eyes heart cardiac bronchi pylorus adrenal gland adrenal medulla kidney ureter small bowel ileocecal valve colon anal sphincter detrusor muscle of the urinary bladder trigone piloerector muscle sweat gland blood vessels arteries sympathetic ganglia sympathetic ganglion preganglionic sympathetic neurons nerve posganglionic sympathetic neurons Davidoff Art Davidoff MD |
Parasympathetic Efferents
14798d06 brain control parasympathetic nervous system ciliary ganglion eyes ciliary muscle pupillary sphincter sphenopalatine ganglion lactrimal glands nasal glands submaxillary glands submaxillary ganglion otic ganglion parotid gland heart cardiac stomach pylorus small bowel colon anal sphincter bladder detrusor muscle trigone S1 S2 S3 S4 vagus nerve cranial nerves III oculomotor VII facial nerve V mandibular nerve IX glossophayngeal nerve control efferent system parasympathetic supply Davidoff Art Davidoff MD |
Endocrine System
Pituitary Gland – Master Endocrine Organ
14798 04.800 brain pituitary anatomy normal Davidoff art |
The endocrine system together with the brain are the major controlling systems in the body. They have both discrete and unique function but also collaborate at some levels. The pituitary as the master endocrine organ is in fact intimately related to the nervous system. It lies within the cranium at the base of the brain and it is directly connected to the brain via the hypothalmus . The nervous systema nd endocrine system also share some ogans. For example the adrenal gland has a medullary portion that is under the control of the sympathetic nervous system and a cortical component that is under the control of the pituitary.
Specialized Functions of the Endocrine System – Metabolic Control
72353 pituitary gland posterior pituitary gland thyroid adrenal cortex pancreas insulin bone muscle growth adipose tissue fat glucose parathyroid gland calcium breast lactation prolactin ovary estrogen FSH progesterone testis testes testosterone function physiology specialised function control endocrine system Davidoff art Davidoff drawing Davidoff MD |
The pituitary gland is the central organ of the endocrine system and in general helps to control the metabolic functions of the body – perhaps the equivalent of the chief operating officer for maintenance of system operations. The endocrine system in general controls transport of substances into the cells, the rate of processing, and the rate at which the products of the cells are exported. Some hormones such as gastrin, are secreted locally in response to a local event, are absorbed into the blood and have distant effects. Otheres are secreted directly by an endocrine organ into the blood and have far reaching systemic effects. Insulin from the pancreas is such an example being produced by the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans and causing muscle fibres to take up glucose, convert it to glycogen, and take up amino acids from the blood and convert them to protein. It also acts on the liver cells causing them to take up glucose and convert it to glycogen, inhibiting gluconeogenesis, as well as acting on adipose tissue. Lastly it acts on the hypothalamus to reduce appetite.
Negative Feedback – Mechanisms in Self Control
The concentration and therefore the activity of the hormones is controlled by the needs of the tissues through a negative feedback mechanism. This means that once the concentration of hormone or chemical to produce a certain level of function is achieved then a message inhibiting the continued production is sent to the organ of origin. This principles of supply, need, and demand are universal in many of the body’s controlling systems, and not surpisingly in fact, a hallmark economic principle as well. So for example after a large meal the glucose level in the serum will rise stimulating the pancreas to prooduce insulin, which will distribute the glucose to the muscle , liver and fat cells, causing the glucose to transfer from the serum to the cells resulting in a relative fall in the glucose level. At a defined lower level of glucose the production of insulin will be turned off by negative feedback. This mechanism is applied to many production systems in the body.
Cardiovascular System
The systemic integrative function of the cardiovascular system is controlled mostly by the autonomic nervous system and to lesser extent by the endocrine system, but there are local mechanisms at the arteriolar level that control the flow of blood to a particular organ.. The coronary artery for example will respond to local metabolic needs by vasodilating in the presence of increasing levels of carbon dioxide and decreasing levels of oxygen. In 1998, three American scientists were awarded the Nobel prize for their independant work on the effects of nitric oxide on the smooth muscle cells of the blood vessels. manifesting Nitric oxide is generated by many cells in the body, but its production by vascular endothelium is particularly important in the regulation of blood flow.
Respiratory System
The systemic integrative function of the respiratory system is controlled mostly by the autonomic nervous system and to lesser extent by the endocrine system, but there are local mechanisms at the bronchovascular level that control air and blood flow to the alveoli.. A concept relating to the ventilation perfusion ratio is a local mechanism that reflects the integrative function of the blood flow and ventilation of the pulmonary units. If for example there is no ventilation to a particular portion of the lung as seen when there is air trapping or a large air space called a bulla is present, the perfusion or blood flow to that region diminishes.
Within the Right Middle Lobe – Air Trapping – Vasoconstriction of the Vessels
This series of images shows some subtle changes that reflect the local control of blood flow to a small segment of the right midlle lobe. Note that in image a, there is a small area of increased lucency (blacker) in the right lung just lateral to the vesels of the right hilum. This regoin is highlighted in b. Note also that in b, the rapid diminution of the size of the blood vessel to that subsegment when compared to the size change of the vessels in the image in c. The lucent appearance of the lung suggests air trapping and the vasoconstriction reflects decreased perfusion – ie with decreased ventilation there is an associated consequent associated decerease in perfusion.
47170c01.800 bronchocentric inflammation lung bronchovascular bundle chest inflammation peribronchial halo air trapping mosaic perfusion ground glass changes alveolar change air bronchogram acute bronchovascular inflammation ddx allergic collagen vascular disease infection CTscan |
Gastrointestinal System
The systemic integrative function of the gastrointestinal system is controlled mostly by the endocrine system and to lesser extent by the autonomic nervous system, but there are local mechanisms that are initiated and executed at the mucosal level that control the way the food is handled. The transport, digestion, processing and absorbtion of food, is a time consuming and time sensitive process and integrated function of the gastrointestinal tract with the accessory organs of digestion requires complex integrative mechanisms. For example at a very simple level, when one thinks about, sees or smells food, the brain will send messages of preparation through the autonomic nervous system to start to prepare the gastrointestinal tract for the meal. As the food bolus passes throgh the esophagus it causes distension of the esophagus at the intake level which induces a peristaltic wave to propel the food. In addition it will cause the receiving segment to relax to enable the food to be received. This pattern is repeated many times as the food is pushed down the esophagus. The stretch receptors in the esophagus also send a message to the gastroesophageal junction to relax at the appropriate time so that the food can pass into the somach without resulting in reflux of gastric contents. Once the food has passed into the stomach, the GE junction needs to close once again. In the stomach there are mechanical and chemical sensors that determine the bulk as well as the chemical makeup of the food. The mechanical sensors will induce a churning effect, while the chemical sensors will send messages downstream via gastrin which is released by the antral cells and subsequently absorbed into the circulation. The pylorus as a result will open, the GE junction will close and even further downstream the ileocecal valve will open. Gastrin is also particulalrly sensitive to the prresence of meat in the food and will cause the fundic cells to produce acid.
The duodenum has chemical sensors that are sensitive to fat in the diet, acidic PH of the chyme and also the presence of protein. If the PH is too low (acidic), and or the fat or protein content high, then the enterogastric reflex causes emptying of the stomach to slow down. The presence of fat in the small bowel will cause the release of another hormone called cholecystokinin (CCK), which like gastrin is secreted by mucosa and absorbed into the circulation. The circulating CCK finds appropriate receptors in the smooth muscle of the galbladder and causes the gallbladder to contract, and shincter of Oddi to relax. Bile is thus released into the duodenum via the biliary ductal system which aids in the digestion of fats and fatty acids.
As we have already seen in the discussion of the endocrine system the accessory organs of digestion including the liver and pancreas are controlled by factors such as chemical levels of glucose for example in the bloo and in the tissues.
Genitourinary System
Urinary System
The systemic integrative function of the urinary system is controlled equally by the endocrine system and by the autonomic nervous system, but there are also local mechanisms that are initiated and executed at the mucosal level that control the way the water, electrolytes and urine is handled. The filtering, transport, refiltering, and voiding mechanisms have some general as well as unique features. The countercurrent mechanism in the tubes of Henle – controlled and motivated by chemial and osmotic gradients is particulalrly ingeneous and unique to the kidney.
Blood flow is a key factor to kidney function and is controlled both by the autonomic nervous system, localised arteriolar mechanisms. Neurohormonal control includes antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secreted by the hypothalamic posterior pituitary system and renin angiotensin mechanisms.
Genital System
The systemic integrative function of the female generative organs is controlled mostly by the endocrine system with some input by the nervous system as well. The monthly cycle is almost entirlely controlled by an hormonal system that originates in the anterior pituitary gland which secretes follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone. (LH). These two hormones in the female specifically target the ovary and their cyclical interrelated function is quite unique and under the evolutionary control incorporated in the genetic makeup of the species. The FSH and LH act in concert performing similar but different functions causing a progressive chain reaction of events that will evolve in one of two ways depending on whether the female becomes pregnant in the cycle. The FSH and LH stimulate the production of adenyl cyclase which in turn increases the cyclic AMP in the cells causing growth a primitive follicle in the ovary. The follicle starts to produce estrogen and progesterone under the influence of FSH and LH. Just prior to ovulation and rupture of the follicle the concentration of LH surges by about 10 fold and the FSH increases by about 2 fold. If the woman does not fall pregnant – the FSH and LH as well as estrogen and progesterone levels fall and the cycle is repeated in the new cycle. If on the other hand the woman falls pregnant then the evolving placenta will secrete human gonadotrophic hormone which will sustain the function of the corpus luteum. The progesterone and estrogen A primary follicle will mature under the control of FSH, will rupture and release an ovum, and then under the influence of LH develop into a corpus lutem
Follicles in a Reproductive Female – Cyclical Phases -Size and Time
71689 ovary follicles normal anatomy function physiology TCV Applied Biology Cycle time USscan Davidoff MD |
Evolving Dominant Follicle
71688 ovary follicles dominant follicle normal anatomy function physiology TCV Applied Biology Cycle time USscan Davidoff MD 71689 |
Ovulation – Mid Cycle
47025c01 young patient with known ovulation one day earlier ovary Graafian follicle rupture tear drop shape pear shaped ovulation physiology normal anatomy USscan Davidoff MD |
but there are also local mechanisms that are initiated and executed at the mucosal level that control the way the water, electrolytes and urine is handled. The filtering, transport, refiltering, and voiding mechanisms have some general as well as unique features. The countercurrent mechanism in the tubes of Henle – controlled and motivated by chemial and osmotic gradients is particulalrly ingeneous and unique to the kidney.
MSK Skeletal System
Muscular System
Relaxion and Contraction of the Biceps
71975c01 arm biceps shoulder elbow flexion extension flexors extensors pectoralis muscle wrist fist hand normal applied biology function muscle physiology Davidoff MD Davidoff photography |
Acute Hemorrhage in the Left Cerebellar Vermis
71730 male with acute ataxia roof of fourth 4th ventricle acute bleed left vermis venous angioma brain cerebellum vermis vein cerebellar venous malformation vascular malformation T1 pre gadolinium T1 bright lesion dx acute hemorrhage MRI Davidoff MD |
A Single Disastrous Event |
46549c01 spinal cord nerves colon hand femur hip bladder rectum size position bullet skin dx bullet wound quadraplegic radiologists and detectives CTscan Davidoff MD |
Nitric Oxide – Cardiovascular Physiology by Richard Klabunde PhD
Physiology on Line Autoregulation of Glucocose Production Tappy et al
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Ovulation – Mid Cycle
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Evolving Dominant Follicle
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Evolving Dominant Follicle
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Follicles in a Reproductive Female – Cyclical Phases -Size and Time
71689 ovary follicles normal anatomy function physiology TCV Applied Biology Cycle time USscan Davidoff MD
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Within the Right Middle Lobe – Air Trapping – Vasoconstriction of the Vessels
This series of images shows some subtle changes that reflect the local control of blood flow to a small segment of the right midlle lobe. Note that in image a, there is a small area of increased lucency (blacker) in the right lung just lateral to the vesels of the right hilum. This regoin is highlighted in b. Note also that in b, the rapid diminution of the size of the blood vessel to that subsegment when compared to the size change of the vessels in the image in c. The lucent appearance of the lung suggests air trapping and the vasoconstriction reflects decreased perfusion – ie with decreased ventilation there is an associated consequent associated decerease in perfusion.
47170c01.800 bronchocentric inflammation lung bronchovascular bundle chest inflammation peribronchial halo air trapping mosaic perfusion ground glass changes alveolar change air bronchogram acute bronchovascular inflammation ddx allergic collagen vascular disease infection CTscan
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Within the Right Middle Lobe – Air Trapping – Vasoconstriction of the Vessels
This series of images shows some subtle changes that reflect the local control of blood flow to a small segment of the right midlle lobe. Note that in image a, there is a small area of increased lucency (blacker) in the right lung just lateral to the vesels of the right hilum. This regoin is highlighted in b. Note also that in b, the rapid diminution of the size of the blood vessel to that subsegment when compared to the size change of the vessels in the image in c. The lucent appearance of the lung suggests air trapping and the vasoconstriction reflects decreased perfusion – ie with decreased ventilation there is an associated consequent associated decerease in perfusion.
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This series of images shows some subtle changes that reflect the local control of blood flow to a small segment of the right midlle lobe. Note that in image a, there is a small area of increased lucency (blacker) in the right lung just lateral to the vesels of the right hilum. This regoin is highlighted in b. Note also that in b, the rapid diminution of the size of the blood vessel to that subsegment when compared to the size change of the vessels in the image in c. The lucent appearance of the lung suggests air trapping and the vasoconstriction reflects decreased perfusion – ie with decreased ventilation there is an associated consequent associated decerease in perfusion.
47170c01.800 bronchocentric inflammation lung bronchovascular bundle chest inflammation peribronchial halo air trapping mosaic perfusion ground glass changes alveolar change air bronchogram acute bronchovascular inflammation ddx allergic collagen vascular disease infection CTscan
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This series of images shows some subtle changes that reflect the local control of blood flow to a small segment of the right midlle lobe. Note that in image a, there is a small area of increased lucency (blacker) in the right lung just lateral to the vesels of the right hilum. This regoin is highlighted in b. Note also that in b, the rapid diminution of the size of the blood vessel to that subsegment when compared to the size change of the vessels in the image in c. The lucent appearance of the lung suggests air trapping and the vasoconstriction reflects decreased perfusion – ie with decreased ventilation there is an associated consequent associated decerease in perfusion.
47170c01.800 bronchocentric inflammation lung bronchovascular bundle chest inflammation peribronchial halo air trapping mosaic perfusion ground glass changes alveolar change air bronchogram acute bronchovascular inflammation ddx allergic collagen vascular disease infection CTscan
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Specialized Functions of the Endocrine System – Metabolic Control
72353 pituitary gland posterior pituitary gland thyroid adrenal cortex pancreas insulin bone muscle growth adipose tissue fat glucose parathyroid gland calcium breast lactation prolactin ovary estrogen FSH progesterone testis testes testosterone function physiology specialised function control endocrine system Davidoff art Davidoff drawing Davidoff MD
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Pituitary Gland – Master Endocrine Organ
14798 04.800 brain pituitary anatomy normal Davidoff art
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Parasympathetic Efferents
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Sympathetic Efferent System
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Sympathetic Efferent System
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Power of the Genes
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The Helical Double Stranded Structure of the Gene
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[textContent] => 78612pb01.800 78612p.800 cell cytology color ribbon spiral double strand bond chromosomes genes nuclear material nucleus amino acid sequence Davidoff phortography Lucerne Switzerland Davidoff MD
DOMElement Object
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[nextElementSibling] =>
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[nodeValue] =>
The Helical Double Stranded Structure of the Gene
[nodeType] => 1
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[childNodes] => (object value omitted)
[firstChild] => (object value omitted)
[lastChild] => (object value omitted)
[previousSibling] => (object value omitted)
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[prefix] =>
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[baseURI] =>
[textContent] =>
The Helical Double Stranded Structure of the Gene