Ashley Davidoff MD  2009


84154b02.8 positive and negative extreme states black and white Davidoff art Davidoff MD


In the Beginning – Time 0 – The Raw materials of Biology

The greens of the earth, the blues of water and our heavens, and the light of the sun shine through.  13275b01i01e01.800 Davidoff oneness

Lovers in the Woods

80309pb01 Lovers in the Woods (after Chagall) Davidoff art Davidoff sculpture


82835p.800b01 couple nude man woman TCV oneness Davidoff art


Nerves on End

46570c05.800 spine lumbar spine lovers mood emotion attraction negative and positive Davidoff art Courtesy Ashley Davidoff copyright 2008 chronicle high resolution

Playing with the Mind

Skin Deep

42657b15 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD breast lobule duct nipple fat glands glandular tissue normal anatomy drawing art Davidoff art Copyright 2011


78378pb06 breast cancer tiny spiculated lesion too early to palpate visible only to mammogram or MRI Davidoff art copyright 2009

Welcoming and Excited Fellings in the Female Pelvis

46701b03.50k.8s uterus fallopian tubes cervix ovaries broad ligament normal anatomy vagina Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Davidoff art copyright 2009 all rights reserved

Getting Ready for the Date

 Bowtie and All

The Prostate A Mysterious Organ That Makes Love Potions – even a fleeting thought may step up production – and the prostate will don its bowtie and get ready.

The prostate gland and seminal vesicles enrich the juice carried by the ductus defens on the way to an important mission to ensure the survival of the human race.

Courtesy Ashley Davidof MD Copyright 2010 99380b01.42.8s

 Over a Glass Wine

Building Passions

The artistic rendering shows the male and female features in the form of two glasses of wine

Image Courtesy Ashley DAvidoff MD Copyright 2011  83101b26kcS03.9s

Time to Get the Brew Going

The prostate is a mysterious organ that is responsible for contributing to and mixing the love potions of the male.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2011 99655b08b04b06.8s

A Magnified View of the Magical Mixing of Mlae Moistures

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2011 99655b08b04b06b.81s

Things are Hotting Up

An Urgency

Things are getting urgent to get the brew ready for export and packaged for its adventurous journey

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2011 99655b08b05b03.8s

Later That Evening

Locked in passion later that evening and till the early hours of the morning This is an artistic rendering of the prostate in action

Image Courtesy Ashley DAvidoff MD Copyright 2011 83101b26kc07.8s

The Recipe

The diagram reveals the components of semen which contains fluid from the seminal vesicles accounting for 65-70% of the volume, prostatic fluid ? 25-30%, sperm 2-5%, and fluid from Cowper?s gland which represents less than 1% of the volume. Each ejaculate contains between .1-10mls (1-2 teaspoons) and on the average 3.5mls

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2011 All rights reserved 99652b02pL.8s

Male Ecstasy and the Sperm are on their Way

89239p ejaculation sperm male orgasm male abstract Davidoff photography

The Coagulum on the Cervix

Creamy White and Sticky

The diagram depicts the creamy coagulated ejaculate attached and adherent to the cervix. In the period following, the semen buffers the acidic environment of the vagina ensuring a safer less acidic environment for the sperm. The citric acid from the prostatic component of the secretion chelates calcium and assists the prostate specific antigen enzymes liquefy the semen in order to release the sperm.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2011 46701b03.53ks01s04b.8s

Liquifaction Release – Free at Last

And the Race is On

The diagram depicts the liquefaction of the coagulated ejaculate now becoming a pale cream releasing the 40-250million sperm who have one mission in mind ? the race to glory and fertilization of the ovum. With artistic licence the diagram amplifies ?free at last? and then the race, showing the sperm storming the gate of the external os of the cervix, – through the cervical canal and then into the wide open space of the endometrial canal and looking for the tiny opening of the Fallopian tubes where fertilization will finally take place.

Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Copyright 2011 All rights reserved 46701b03.53ks10s03.8s


13275b01i01e01u06.800 time heaven earth sea nature void TCV Oneness procreation sperm egg Davidoff oness


13275b01i01e01u08.800 time heaven earth sea nature void TCV Oneness procreation sperm egg Davidoff oness

The Winner Giving the First Touch of Communion

13275b01i01e12u08 sperm egg ovum conception time Davidoff Art

The Winner Giving the First Touch of Communion

13275b01i01e08u08 ovum sperm fusion conception TCV Davidoff Oneness

The Soul of Life is Imbued

13275a12.800 time heaven earth sea nature void TCV Oneness units to unity soul conception sperm egg ovum Davidoff oneness concepts

Multiplication and a Blastocyst is Formed

13275b01i01e01b01.800 time heaven earth sea nature void TCV embryology Oneness units to unity blastocyst Davidoff oneness

Multiplication and a Blastocyst is Formed

13275b01i01e01b03 time heaven earth sea nature void TCV Oneness units to unity blastocyst Davidoff oneness

Time and Growth Cycles Take Their Course

13275b01i01e02d.800 time heaven earth sea nature void TCV Oneness procreation sperm egg Davidoff oneness

Time and Growth Cycles Take Their Course

13275b01i01e04.800 time heaven earth sea nature void TCV fetus embryology Oneness procreation sperm egg Davidoff oneness



Dance of the Twin Embryos

87141pb05.8k.8s Pregnancy dance movement units to unity individual uniqueness group Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved


The Gravid Uterus

46701b03.46k.8s uterus pregnant gravid vertex presentation brain placenta foot rawMRI T2 weighted Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD Davidoff art copyright 2009 all rights reserved