aorta – The Common Vein TCV Sun, 12 Jan 2025 06:43:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 009A Aneurysm of the Distal Arch Thu, 21 Dec 2023 04:03:34 +0000 Scout CT shows a left sided70-year-old male presented
Hoarseness and Mediastinal mass

Scout CT Aortic Aneurysm of the Distal Aortic Arch
70-year-old male presented hoarseness and mediastinal mass. Scout CT shows a left sided mediastinal mass. The aortic knob left main stem bronchus and pulmonary branches can be seen – “hilum overlay” sign, indicating that the mass is not arising from the lung parenchyma. There is elevation of the left hemidiaphragm secondary to left phrenic nerve palsy.
Ashley Davidoff MD 009A 136223

Coronal CT
Aortic Aneurysm of the Distal Aortic Arch and
Elevated Left Hemidiaphragm

Coronal CT Aortic Aneurysm of the Distal Aortic Arch and Elevated Left Hemidiaphragm
Coronal CT with contrast shows a left sided aneurysm off the aortic arch with a large thrombus in the aneurysm. There is elevation of the left hemidiaphragm secondary to left phrenic nerve palsy. .
Ashley Davidoff MD 009A 136225

Axial CT Aortic Aneurysm of the Distal Aortic Arch
?Traumatic in Origin

Axial CT Aortic Aneurysm of the Distal Aortic Arch
Axial CT with contrast shows a left sided aneurysm off the aortic arch with a large thrombus in the aneurysm. The neck of the aneurysm is relatively wide. The location of the aneurysm raises the possibility that the aneurysm may have been traumatic in origin. Additionally, there is a lack of significant atherosclerosis.
Ashley Davidoff MD 009A 136224

Coronal CT Aortic Aneurysm of the Distal Aortic Arch

Post Endograft Repair

Coronal CT Aortic Aneurysm of the Distal Aortic Arch Post Endograft Repair
Axial CT with contrast shows a left sided aneurysm off the aortic arch s/p repair with an endograft with a large residual thrombus in the aneurysmal sac (a, white arrowhead). Within the left subclavian artery (LSA) there is an Amplatzer device (b, white ring) which occludes the LSA at its origin. The patient had a left carotid to LSA graft to enable flow to the left upper limb. There is elevation of the left hemidiaphragm secondary to left phrenic nerve palsy. .
Ashley Davidoff MD 009A 136226cL
Faces of Atherosclerosis Thu, 28 Sep 2023 02:44:38 +0000
This image shows three pathological specimens of the aorta. In the first image minimally raised fatty streaks are noted. (a). In image b, the fibrous capsule causes raised fibrofatty nodules, while in c, there gas been rupture of the plaques, with friable atheromatous plaques abound. Courtesy Henri Cuenoid MD 13420c CVS artery aorta atheroscleosis atheroma fatty streaks fibro


81 year old male showing significant unfolding of the aorta with leftward shift of the trachea caused by lengthening of the aorta over time.
Ashley Davidoff MD

As a person ages, the aorta may gradually elongate or become longer. This elongation can be due to the continuous stretching and remodeling of the aortic wall over the years.

Normal and Severe Atherosclerosis
18485c01 aorta artery hepatic artery renal artery splenic artery superior mesenteric artery SMA kidney severe atheroscleroris atheroma occluded renal artery spleen liver normal anatomy angiogram angiography
Ashley Davidoff MD
Faces of the Aorta Thu, 28 Sep 2023 02:41:52 +0000 Aging Aorta

Faces of the Aging Aorta Thu, 28 Sep 2023 02:34:50 +0000  

This image shows three pathological specimens of the aorta. In the first image minimally raised fatty streaks are noted. (a). In image b, the fibrous capsule causes raised fibrofatty nodules, while in c, there gas been rupture of the plaques, with friable atheromatous plaques abound. Courtesy Henri Cuenoid MD 13420c CVS artery aorta atheroscleosis atheroma fatty streaks fibro


81 year old male showing significant unfolding of the aorta with leftward shift of the trachea caused by lengthening of the aorta over time.
Ashley Davidoff MD

As a person ages, the aorta may gradually elongate or become longer. This elongation can be due to the continuous stretching and remodeling of the aortic wall over the years.

Normal and Severe Atherosclerosis
18485c01 aorta artery hepatic artery renal artery splenic artery superior mesenteric artery SMA kidney severe atheroscleroris atheroma occluded renal artery spleen liver normal anatomy angiogram angiography
Ashley Davidoff MD
0001 new Thu, 07 Sep 2023 21:48:17 +0000 135494. aorta coral reef appearance 74 female 001a

005Ao Ruptured Iliac Aneurysm region with Aorta to IVC Fistula Fri, 24 Mar 2023 00:08:37 +0000 Continue reading 005Ao Ruptured Iliac Aneurysm region with Aorta to IVC Fistula ]]>
  • 78 yo M with PMHx significant for
    • COPD, HTN, HLD,
    • CVA,
    • Afib on xarelto, who presented
      • abdominal/back pain and
      • lower extremity pain with
      • paresthesias.
      • hypotensive,
      • tachycardic,
      • diaphoretic.
      • bounding L femoral pulse and
      • no palpable R femoral pulse.
    • CTA noted
  • 7 years Ago Right Common Iliac Artery Aneurysm

    • R common iliac artery aneurysm, in a 75 year old male on a CT of the pelvis 7 years ago
      Ashley Davidoff MD aneurysm rupture fistula to IVC 001
        • AAA 7.3 cm
          • active extraluminal extravasation of contrast along the posterior margin of the right common iliac artery aneurysm sac.
    R common iliac artery aneurysm, in a 75 year old male on a CT of the pelvis showing active extraluminal extravasation of contrast along the posterior margin of the right common iliac artery aneurysm sac
    Ashley Davidoff MD aneurysm rupture fistula to IVC 003


    R common iliac artery aneurysm, in a 75 year old male on a CT of the pelvis showing active extraluminal extravasation of contrast along the posterior margin of the right common iliac artery aneurysm sac
    Ashley Davidoff MD aneurysm rupture fistula to IVC 007
    R common iliac artery aneurysm, in a 75 year old male on a CT of the pelvis showing active extraluminal extravasation of contrast along the posterior margin of the right common iliac artery aneurysm sac
    Ashley Davidoff MD aneurysm rupture fistula to IVC 007b

    R common iliac artery aneurysm, in a 75 year old male on a CT of the pelvis showing active extraluminal extravasation of contrast along the posterior margin of the right common iliac artery aneurysm sac
    Ashley Davidoff MD aneurysm rupture fistula to IVC 007b




        • given reversal for anticoagulation with Kcentra a
        • 3 units of whole blood
        • massive transfusion protocol


        • EVAR with
        • coiling of the right internal iliac artery
    006Ao Pseudoaneurysm of Suprarenal Aorta Coiled Fri, 17 Mar 2023 02:44:35 +0000


    Links and References

    TCV number 6003

    Aneurysms Map Thu, 16 Mar 2023 12:14:46 +0000 87106 Aneurysm Where to measure Thu, 16 Mar 2023 12:14:03 +0000 The national abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening programme measures internal wall diameter;

    however, UK intervention criteria use external wall diameter.


    Links and References

    Wanhainen et al  Surrogate Markers of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Progression Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Vol. 36, No. 2

    008Ao Severe Coarctation Diagnosed in an Adult Tue, 06 Dec 2022 19:42:44 +0000 Continue reading 008Ao Severe Coarctation Diagnosed in an Adult ]]> Original images in heart module

    36 year longstanding hypertension

    treated  HTN found to be in the 240s without evidence of end organ dysfunction

    HTN found to be in the 240s without evidence of end organ dysfunction20 year longstanding hypertension. He was found to have upper abdominal bruit and suspected to have a coarctation

    Left ventricular hypertrophy
    Normal sinus rhythm

    Severe coarct with 3 sign

    CT SCOUT RIB Notching and LVH

    CT  LVH Left Lateral Thoracic Collateral Arteries



    CT RIB Notching and LVH

    CT Enlarged Left Subclavian Artery Collaterals 

    CT Enlarged Left Subclavian Artery Intercostal Collaterals 

    CT Enlarged Internal Mammary Arteries  Artery Intercostal Arteries and Inferior Epigastric Artery Collaterals 

    CT Enlarged Internal Mammary Arteries
    Lateral Thoracic Artery  Collaterals 

    CT Region of the Coarctation


    Collateral Distal to the Coarctation


    CT CT Distal to the Coarctation and LVH

    CT  Region Distal to Coarctation with  Inferior Epigastric Artery Collaterals 


    Post Stent HAve to add

    Plan to book for percutaneous stent to coarct under GA.

    Peak gradient 70 mm in the cath lab. 16 x 45 mm stent graft was placed at thoracic coart site
